Leadership Mastermind Series: Get Your Growing Going
If you’re not growing, you’re dying. So, congratulations on taking time out of your day to intentionally spend time growing your leadership skills! This is a great first step (more on that later).
Today, I want to talk about intention. If you’re anything like me, you have a list of books and asterisk marks about good ideas and leadership goals that you want to implement in your office. But you’ve never had a chance to get them going. I want to help you understand why that second step doesn’t always happen and how to get over the hump and get those aspirations into actions.
There’s no silver bullet that’s going to catapult us to the top. The good news is there really is no top. Growth is a journey. The start of that journey is your ability to envision a brighter, bolder future that gives you the drive to want more. Unfortunately, those dreams and aspirations often get stuck in dream land. Sometimes, it’s your own thoughts that prevent you from getting to your leadership goals.
The First Step
Speaker Zig Ziglar was right when he said in 100% of cases, people who won’t take step number one, won’t take step number two.
Why is it so easy to procrastinate? Because in a study of the human brain, different parts of the brain are triggered when you think about yourself verses when you think about a stranger. When people were asked to think about their future self, the same part of the brain that thinks about strangers lit up. Crazy, right? If your brain thinks about your future self as a stranger, then its easy to procrastinate and pass off the hard work to a stranger – your future self.
Yes, keep your eye on the big goal, but break it down into actionable items you can accomplish today. Then – most importantly – take that first step.
Circle of Growth
Now that you’ve determined to take the first step, let’s look at another roadblock that’s keeping you from your big leadership goals. Within your “Circle of Growth” are three areas:
- Comfort Zone: Your comfort zone is predictable. It’s easy, it’s relaxed, it’s…comfortable.
- Stretch Zone: This is where excitement lives, fear disappears, and action happens.
- Panic Zone: The panic zone is where disbelief lives, and fear stops all actions.
Think about it for a little bit. Where do your various goals land in this circle of growth? Anything you’re not doing now, sits somewhere in those zones. But remember, if you’re not growing, you’re dying!
Growth happens in the Stretch Zone. The cool thing about this is once you do something that’s in the Stretch Zone, it can often be recategorized into the Comfort Zone. Then you can move onto the next thing in the Stretch Zone that will get you to your big picture goals.
What Does Your B.O.A.T. Look Like?
B.O.A.T.s are our Beliefs, Opinions, Assumptions, and Truths. With everything you’re not doing, there’s a B.O.A.T. that’s holding you back. For example, let’s say you’re not doing morning huddles. Maybe it’s your Belief that that’s time that could be spent with patients. Your Opinion is that you won’t get enough out of it to make it worth while. Your Assumption might be that your team would rebel against the additional meeting. Your Truth might be that you’re just too busy.
So that’s your next step. Once you decide what to do, figure out what your B.O.A.T.s are around why you want to do that. And then think about this…what if your B.O.A.T.s are wrong? What if your team actually needs and looks forward to those morning huddles? Could you rearrange your schedule to make the time?
The good news is if someone else is doing it, you can, too! So, take the first step, look at your circle of comfort, take a hard look at your B.O.A.T.s, and get out there and accomplish your leadership goals!
Take the Second (or Third) Step
This video and article are part of PDA’s complimentary 10-Month Leadership Mastermind Series leading up to our BlueSky – Leadership, Team Building, and Annual Business Planning – Event November 2-4 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Leadership Mastermind Series is intended to give you actionable items to implement in your practice now, so you and your team can come prepared with ideas, questions, and a healthy understanding of leadership principles. Click here to learn more about BlueSky.
About PDA’s Leadership Mastermind Series
Productive Dentist Academy is offering a complimentary 10-Month Leadership Mastermind Series of videos leading up to our BlueSky 2018 event November 2-4 in Scottsdale, Arizona. At our PDA Members’ requests, the focus of BlueSky 2018 is leadership and team development, and annual business development planning. The Leadership Mastermind Series is intended to give you actionable items to implement in your practice now, so you and your team can come prepared with ideas, questions, and a healthy understanding of leadership principles. Click here to learn more about BlueSky 2018.
Don’t stop here! Learn how to build trust among your team members by watching Robyn’s full Leadership Mastermind Series video. Fill out the form below for your complimentary access.
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