Not All Websites are Created Equal: Do You Know the Difference?
“The team at PDA | Marketing Group doesn’t just build it and forget it; the customer service is impeccable.”
– Dayna Johnson, Rae Dental Management
Not all websites are created equal. But how can you tell?
A website might look flashy. But what’s underneath the pretty photos and colors: is it targeting the patients you want, easy for people to find online, and generating massive new patient phone calls?
Think of it this way. You’ve moved to a new town and are interviewing family physicians.
Dr. A looks into your eyes, ears, takes your blood pressure. He nods thoughtfully and says, “You look pretty good to me!” and sends you on your way.
Dr. B does a once over as well, and then takes a deeper dive by asking questions about your health, habits, and goals, running blood tests, then walking you through the results, what they mean for you short- and long-term, AND helps you form a plan to achieve your lifestyle goals and follows up with you?
On paper, both doctors are equally qualified to help you manage your health. But most people would probably say they’d rather see Dr. B for the service, care, and details they provided.
Reports that Make Sense
When you work with a website company or marketing agency, most will send you an analytics report about your website. When was the last time you read this report? Or if you did read it, did you know exactly what those numbers meant for your practice?
You need to focus on practicing great dentistry instead of shuffling through a PDF report trying to determine what the analytics are saying. That’s where we come in!
One of the things we pride ourselves on – and that our clients love – is our Quarterly Analytics Report and walk-through meeting. During this quarterly one-on-one meeting, your PDA | Marketing Group Client Liaison walks you through the numbers, how your website is performing, and opportunities available to help you meet your goals. Here’s a look at the applicable knowledge you get in your Quarterly Analytics Report and meeting.
Metrics that Mean Something
We all know Google is king of the search engines. But what you may not know is that Google can update its algorithms and searching rules whenever it wants. Google sets the rules and you have to follow them. The problem for people who want to stay at the top of search results is these changing parameters mean a website that is ranked number one today, might be number thirty under the new algorithm.
There’s no predictable schedule for when Google makes these changes so it’s crucial to have constant expert eyes on it. That’s why we have in-house SEO experts at PDA | Marketing Group! Our tracking is so sophisticated that we can see the shifts in traffic that tell us there is an update. Our team can then go in and make the changes to ensure your website continues to appear at the top of your target audience.
Understanding SEO and Your Options
For most dentists, their PDA | Marketing Group Client Liaison is the first person who has taken the time to show them “Look! This is how SEO works.” A lot of other marketing companies will tell their clients something along the lines of “Congratulations! You’re ranked number one on Google for people searching for x, y, and z!”
Great! You’re ranked one! But how many people searched for the terms that matter to you? What’s unique about us is we show you the search terms you’re ranking for, how many are searching for it, and where you rank in those searches.
We get asked by a lot of dentists how they can rank higher in a certain search term. Say, for example, “sedation dentistry.” The key here is we are going to explain your options in a way that 1) makes sense, and 2) is respectful of your budget. You don’t have any more to spend? Not a problem! We have a strategy for that. You have some marketing dollars to supercharge your campaign? Great! We can do that, too.
Having a PDA | Marketing Group Client Liaison go through these details with you helps you determine what option is best for your budget and goals. Our role is not to sell you things. We are here to help you market your business and to make sure you have the details, knowledge, and understanding you need to make the best decisions for your business goals.
Visitor Behavior
The other thing that’s great about our Quarterly Analytics Reports is they give you a snapshot in time to see your website’s performance: How many people is it attracting? How long are they staying on pages? What pages are they visiting?
It’s all about getting potential patients to pick up that phone and schedule an appointment. So during our quarterly meeting, we’ll explain how people travel through your website and what information they’re viewing and expressing interest in. We also share recommendations for changes from our on-staff marketing strategists.
Call Tracking
Another very cool thing we include in our reporting that other companies don’t is call tracking and recording. All the calls potential patients make from the phone number on your website are tracked and recorded. This lets you know how many visits to your website are converting into contacts. And, yes, the recordings of those call are available for you to listen to as part of your Foreversite™ package!
Full Knowledge of Your Website
Again, all the reporting, analytics, and the face-to-face Quarterly Analytics Report with your Client Liaison are included with every Foreversite™ package… and so is our advice! Client Liaisons work with a team of in-house strategists who review websites, goals, rankings, and make recommendations. Having a phenomenal website is great. But it’s even better when you know and understand how your website is performing and have someone – whose only focus is what you want and what is best for you – to help explain things to you.
If you want to know more about how our Foreversites™ can give you control over your online image, I’d love to show you how. You can fill out the form below to request a Complimentary Marketing Analysis to get started, contact us.
By the way – We haven’t even started on what else is included in your Foreversite: the video element of your website, social media branding and management, review assistance… you get the idea. Call us so we can help!
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