PDA Conference March 13 -15, 2025 in Frisco, Texas

Unmasking Addiction in Dentistry (E.270)

“Recovery has shown me how to live fully, and that’s something I want everyone to know is possible.” ~Dr. Alan Mead

Addiction in dentistry is a topic that’s rarely discussed but deeply important. In this powerful episode of Everyday Practices Dental Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Alan Mead, a dentist who bravely shares his journey of addiction and recovery. From the pressures of dental school to running a practice while battling substance abuse, Dr. Mead opens up about the challenges he faced and the steps he took to rebuild his life.

Key takeaways include:

  • Recognizing addiction in yourself or a colleague
  • Understanding the role of recovery programs tailored to healthcare professionals.
  • Practical advice for maintaining sobriety and rebuilding trust.

Whether you’re a dentist, a healthcare professional, or someone supporting a loved one through addiction, this episode provides hope, resources, and a reminder that recovery is always possible.


[00:00:00] Announcer: The Productive Dentist Academy Podcast Network.

[00:00:03] Dr. Alan Mead: That’s how this works. You know, addiction is, you don’t get to pick and choose the parts of addiction. Addiction takes over. It really does. It is what it is and that’s what it was for me. Now, 22 plus years later, it’s like talking about a different person.

[00:00:17] Regan Robertson: Welcome to the Everyday Practices Dental Podcast. I’m Regan Robertson and my co-host, Dr. Chad Johnson, Dr. Maggie Augustine and I are on a mission to share the stories of everyday dentists who generate extraordinary results using practical proven methods you can take into your own dental practice. If you are ready to reclaim your time so you can focus on great patient care without sacrificing yourself along the way buckle up and listen in. Doctor, did you know that PDA coaching doctors grew two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars on average in just the last ten months? If your revenue goals fell short this year and you suspect that patient communication and inefficient systems are holding you back, Productive Dentist Academy can help, but you have to take action. Register today for the PDA conference March 13th through the 15th in Frisco, Texas. Go to productivedentist.com to snap up your seat. It is the nation’s leading course for growing your practice and your team. Plus, while you’re there, you can set up a free 60 minute session to identify your own unique opportunities for growth and if you act fast, you could score a one on one with PDA’s co founder, Dr. Bruce Baird. That’s right. We’re only offering 10 and then his calendar is full. Don’t wait. Go to productivedentist.com right now and have a great 2025. We’ll see you in Texas.

[00:01:33] Dr. Chad Johnson: Welcome everybody to Everyday Practices Dental Podcast. This is co-host Chad Johnson here, and I’m here with co-host Regan Robertson and co-host Maggie Augustyn. Maggie, Regan, how are you both doing today?

[00:01:47] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: I’m great. Thank you for asking

[00:01:51] Regan Robertson: I am excited to rip the bandaid off and dive into a really good discussion today. That’s serious. That’s right.

[00:01:55] Dr. Chad Johnson: Today we have Alan Mead with us. Dr. Alan Mead. You’re practicing up in Michigan, but is it near Detroit? Tell me where you are, Alan.

[00:02:03] Dr. Alan Mead: My practice is in Saginaw, Michigan, which is about an hour and a half, almost due north of Detroit. Okay. And I live in Midland, Michigan, which is a couple hours north of Detroit.

[00:02:11] Dr. Chad Johnson: Got it and I first met you as a fellow podcaster and Facebooker. We were diving. into this topic today and I thought, you know what? Alan’s been forthright before. It would be healthy to have him on if he were so inclined to humor us to join. And sure enough, you were. So thank you very much for joining us today.

[00:02:34] Dr. Alan Mead: Of course.

[00:02:35] Dr. Chad Johnson: I want to kind of give some backdrop. We were wanting to talk about addiction on multiple episodes and you came to mind because you’ve overcome that. Can you kind of give a synopsis as long or as short as you want and then our goal is to talk about how you go about being healthy after your history and making it stay as history and being healthy in a community with others and also being a good example to others because it’s not something that anyone necessarily chooses other than the choices that you make?

[00:03:07] Dr. Alan Mead: Sure. So I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1997. Okay. I was not through college, you know, for definitely high school and through college, I was not really a big drinker. I turned 21 when I was a senior in college, right before I started my senior year and I, I drank like a college student then it never was a huge deal in college. I got to dental school and a couple of things happened. First off, college wasn’t very hard for me. Like I didn’t struggle to get grades and stuff in college, but dental school was a whole different animal. I was fine with the academics, but there was a fair amount of hazing involved and I wasn’t naturally good at the dental stuff. You know, I didn’t have hands of gold or anything like that. It was kind of like a dull normal that way and I mean and that was, that was everything, right? Like it was the first time I’d hit a challenge where I was like, wow, this is, and, and, and they were, you know, in dental school, they weren’t super kind about that stuff. So I, I’d never really developed a lot of coping mechanisms prior to that cause I didn’t really need them in the city. You didn’t have any need. Yeah. I mean, and I, everyone needs it, but I just really, I really hadn’t and the other thing is then you pour the, the culture of, of drinking in dental school and in dentistry in general, actually and so I, I mean, I got into it. So I lived at a, uh, at the Psi Omega house at University of Minnesota for three years and then I lived in an apartment. All of these places were places you’d walk everywhere. I never had to drive anywhere. I mean, I had a car, but I didn’t, you know, I didn’t find myself. I walked to school. I walked to, so this interesting thing about drinking like an alcoholic. I don’t think I was probably an alcoholic then, but I drank like an alcoholic. I never had to drive anywhere. So a lot of times the consequences of drinking a lot are because you drive. Drinking is pretty socially acceptable. For the most part, just don’t get the DUI and you’re fine on some level and I mean, that’s an oversimplification to be sure but so I didn’t really find consequences of my drinking in dental school really at all and I drank like everyone else did, or at least it felt like that at the time. I didn’t know this, but I mean, like drinking was a coping mechanism for me and I mean, I kind of stumbled through dental school, you know, using that as a, as a crutch and so I graduated from dental school in 1997. I came home, my dad’s a dentist and I, I was, I was an associate for him. It’s a whole new different. heap of problems and I didn’t come out feeling like a clinical rockstar, like some of these young dentists seem like they, they seem like now. I didn’t have any podcasts to listen to. I didn’t, I didn’t have any kind of grounding at all and my dad was a good mentor, but I don’t think he realized that I had been using alcohol as a coping mechanism and I, I just, I didn’t hit the ground running and I would, drinking alone is a little weird kind of thing, you know, not that I didn’t in retrospect, not that I didn’t, but like drinking was not, sort of the thing but in 1997, this medication called Vicaprofen, I don’t know if you know how old. Yeah. Okay. So people remember that Vicaprofen was brand new and it was pointed hard at dentists because it was a, um,

[00:05:36] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: It was a beautiful marriage of ibuprofen and Vicodin.

[00:05:41] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah. Yeah and hydrocodone exactly and so it was, it was pointed towards, you know, surgical stuff and everything. I laughed about this before because they’d send you samples. You could send away, they’d send you a box of 20 or something like that. Send you a couple of boxes of 20. I tried one. I’d love to tell you that it’s because I turned my ankle or something like that. I mean, I just want to try one and see what it’s like and I realized right off the bat, this was, this was the thing for me. This was definitely. So I didn’t have to drink and all the downsides of drinking. It did not take me long. I could go in more depth, but I was, it was not long before I was off. the races and I was using opiods to as my coping mechanism and you find that the samples didn’t last. So I literally bought a practice, the same practice I’m in now, partly because I could then get away from my dad so I could like order with my own DEA number and it is, it was shockingly easy to order all this stuff. They were not, I think they do a better job now. Yes. That stuff, but they didn’t really back then, and it was about four years worth where I was in active addiction. It got worse and worse and I was taking an awful lot. I was using it while I was working, I was doing everything that you’re not supposed to do, obviously and it was a coping mechanism, and frankly, it wasn’t, didn’t do a very good job. I didn’t cope that well, but by the time I was, you know, physically and emotionally and I guess mentally addicted to it, I, there was no one goes in thinking that they’ll become addicted. That’s the other thing, like

[00:06:51] Dr. Chad Johnson: Question

[00:06:51] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah

[00:06:52] Dr. Chad Johnson: . So, um, you know, you’re starting to enjoy it and go down that path. Can you recall any boundaries where you were like, you know what, if it gets to this, then it’ll be a problem, but it’s not right now.

[00:07:07] Dr. Alan Mead: No, I mean, I know there were occasionally you would have what they call in recovering communities, a moment of clarity where you’re, you kind of stick your head up and go, wow, this is insane. I can’t believe this is happening, but, but no and I, I, all the boundaries you’d. think that one would cross, I cross quite quickly, like, and you talk particularly physicians and dentists that get into these kind of drugs. They justify a lot and basically look, I’m better. I’m better when I’m, when I’m on, I’m better when I’m using, like,

[00:07:32] Dr. Chad Johnson: That’s what Iwondered is if you, if you had a, an issue and like that you said, “Okay, here’s my boundary,” even if you crossed it after one week, if you said, “you know what, I’m not going to use it during the workday,” but then the people,

[00:07:42] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, most people do. I didn’t, I didn’t. That was one of the reasons that it was, I

[00:07:46] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: think when people that. I don’t know that they’re being really honest because no, no, no, no. You can’t just do it on the weekend or in the afternoons.

[00:07:53] Dr. Alan Mead: Correct.

[00:07:54] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Um, I have a question for you though. Did anybody know later on?

[00:07:57] Dr. Alan Mead:  They did earlier on. I think people didn’t know, but I mean, I, my behavior was bizarre. Like I, I mean, but you’re a dentist. So But, but I mean, like, cause I was using opiates. I had some of the classic things. Have you ever heard of opiate nod where you’re like, literally like you’re kind of out of it. I, that was kind of classic for me. I missed a lot of work, um, whether that was because I was in withdrawal or because I just want to stay home and use or whatever, I missed a lot of work. It was sort of, sort of the classic opiate things I had towards the end. They all knew I was ordering it and, and I would get real desperate knowing when it was, and I was ordering a lot. And quite often because I ran through it so quickly. So like my days would always get better if I was going to get a delivery and all that. a hot mess. It really was. This

[00:08:35] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: was like, what’s Henry Schein or one of the, yeah, it’s funny.

[00:08:39] Dr. Alan Mead: Darby and Henry Schein were kind of my go to, but I also, after a while I’d use so much then I would, Oh, this is not, it’s not a great situation, but I would, I would fake scripts to pharmacies. All the, there are pharmacies all across the, my, my region that I would, I would do that too. I would write a script for my wife or something like that and go pick it up. Just so, and each, each time you do that, that’s a felony, by the way, just, you know, so like I. If, if I had ever been prosecuted, I would probably still be in prison right now. I did that so many times. So the reality is, is it’s like,

[00:09:06] Regan Robertson: Wait, Alan, Alan, what makes you brave enough to say this on the air? I mean, that, that makes me go, oh my gosh, why you’re, you’re sharing a story that that’s, that’s serious.

[00:09:14] Dr. Alan Mead: 22 years ago is when I got clean. So I figured that, uh, I figured that the statute of limitations are probably done.

[00:09:20] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Do you figure or did you look it up?

[00:09:22] Dr. Alan Mead: It has never crossed my mind. Not worried about it at all.

[00:09:24] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: You’re incredible and I don’t know that you give yourself enough credit standing where we’re standing. I know there’s so many people that struggle with this to hear your story is just incredible to hear and to admit what you’ve been through and you right now are minimizing what you’ve been through and how hard you’ve Uh, I’m gonna,

[00:09:47] Dr. Alan Mead: I’m gonna push back a little on that Maggie because here’s the thing. The first time I told my story in public, it was probably five years after I got clean, which would be probably 2007, the Michigan Dental Association meeting. It’s emotional every time I tell the story, particularly in front of a group, you know, where I’ve been talking about addiction, where I used to talk about addiction a lot. I really, I really haven’t for a while, but and it was emotional and it was tough and people would ask, “I can’t believe you’re saying this.” I’m like, well, if, if no one says it, if no one is open and honest about the kind of Crazy stuff that was happening that no one believes that it could happen and no one talks about this stuff still to this day. I always thought that people would start being open and they aren’t. I was on the committee for the Michigan dental association that helped dentists and team members that have addiction and there was never a time I would run across these people and they would own it. Like, “I am in trouble. I need help.” No. Oh, they constantly push back. I ended up quitting the committee because I was so tired of people luring up and running away when we were trying to offer help. I won’t lie to you. That’s, and that’s a little dark that I say that it’s true. I mean, the reality is that that’s how this works. You know, addiction is you don’t get to pick and choose the parts of addiction. Addiction takes over. It really does. It is what it is and that’s what it was for me. Now, 22 plus years later, it’s like talking about a different person. So on some level, when you guys are asking, aren’t you worried about the felonies? I’m like, nah, I’m fine cause you know, they haven’t come for me at this point. I figured, I figured that they can use me as a terrible warning instead of, you know, getting my lesson taught. I mean, we’ll see. I know, I, I think I’m probably pretty safe.

[00:11:03] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Yeah, and that was going to be a series of my questions, which we can’t really get to because as you know, the president of the ADA, Brett Kessler, uh, very bravely talks about his addiction to alcoholism and the question that I have for him, which I haven’t been able to have answered is, I know that when you admit your addiction and I thought that I heard you, or maybe it was Gary Katie that talked about, you know, when you start. to talk about your addiction and, and, and, you know, you have to start proving whether I think it’s to whatever regulatory body, they, they, they come and visit you or do whatever they need to do to make sure that you can keep your license. Um, and I, and some of the, some of the questions that I wanted to ask you is what that looked like for you, but it sounds like it never got to that point with you.

[00:11:46] Dr. Alan Mead: Oh, no, no, it totally did. Yeah. Let me fast forward. So I, I don’t have to go into deep, you know, it was a mess. It was, my life was driven by the needing to get more to use. That was it for four years or so.

[00:11:56] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: And can I ask you a question? How much money did you spend on your addiction?

[00:12:00] Dr. Alan Mead: Well, you know what’s interesting? It could have been a lot worse if I was into illicit stuff, because I was buying, I was buying stuff from supply companies. So yeah,

[00:12:07] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Under your DA license, right? So it’s not that expensive.

[00:12:10] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, it’s, I mean, you’re, you’re buying, you buy wholesale. What the heck? On some level, if you were into cocaine, if you were into illicit stuff, You’re going to be paying a lot more and there’s, mind you, you don’t get a DEA number and you’re not really allowed to buy it for yourself. So that’s, that’s clearly not, not part of the deal either, but that’s what I was doing. Um, the money was something, but it was more like, it was more just the shoot. I got married while I was using, I got everything. Like I bought a practice while I was using, I did everything. While I was using my entire life was completely affected by it, of course but there came a day, interestingly, um, one of my really good buddies, he’s an oral surgeon in town. I went in, I had like a, I had like an ingrown hair, a lipoma on my neck, and I wanted him to take it off. And part of it was cause I wanted, he was going to sedate me to do it and then he’d write me a script. I would, I would basically have done anything to, uh, to get a script or whatever it was, it was, it was pretty desperate, but also I had this thing on my neck and so he did it and he was the first one that figured out what was really going on cause he tried to sedate me and he couldn’t because when you, when you have a, when you have a tolerance, like I did, there’s not enough, you know, he, he, he was going to drop a big bolus of fentanyl on me and like, “Okay, here it comes,” and I was like, “Nothing, you know, he realized that there was something right with me, you know? So like, whether or not I was just stupid or asking for help, I don’t know exactly. I can’t quite remember, but the reality is, is like, he’s the one who figured it out. And he’s the one who kind of twisted my arm and got my family on board who, who knew something was going on, but didn’t realize it and they got me into treatment. So they, they came in. If you’ve ever seen those shows that are like, um,

[00:13:30] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Intervention,

[00:13:31] Dr. Alan Mead: Intervention, my intervention would have made terrible television. I can say that right now because I was at the office alone. My team was kind of in on it and they didn’t come back after lunch that day and so my family and some people came in to intervene but in the meantime, I have to tell you, I had been trying to stop in different ways. Like I, I literally, by that time I had kind of given up trying to stop, but throughout all this, you’re like, this is crazy. I need to stop doing this. But I couldn’t, I didn’t. I couldn’t. And, and mind you, I never thought to try going to a narcotics anonymous meeting. I never thought to try and go to an AA meeting. I never thought, I never thought to talk to anyone about it. I, this was my

[00:14:06] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Was it shame?

[00:14:07] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, I wondered the same. I mean, there’s always a lot of shame with it, but I also, I, I’m not gonna lie to you. I, I wasn’t going to talk to anyone about it. I wasn’t going to admit anything to anyone. To get help, you kind of have to admit a little bit, you know?

[00:14:15] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: But did you, did you, like, were you sure you had a problem or were you scared? Still at that point was like, yeah, totally. I was,

[00:14:21] Dr. Alan Mead: yeah, there’s no doubt. I mean, not that I was looking for help, but I knew I had a problem. I had stopped trying to quit. That’s the scary thing. So I’d stopped and with as much as I was using what it took to get me high or what it took to get me where I wanted to go, the, the amount that I was having to do was probably close to the, the dose that you’d overdose. So frankly, I probably overdose or was close to overdose every time I used at that.

[00:14:40] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Do you remember how much that was?

[00:14:42] Dr. Alan Mead: Oh yeah. The last, very last day that I used, I, I didn’t really do. anything where you had to shoot. I didn’t know how. I didn’t know how to do IV. So I took pills. I took, uh, my regular dose when it came and that was the day I was waiting for a delivery. I got the delivery. I took 26 Lorset on an empty stomach and that was really good. Now, if you do the math on that, 26 So that’s no 15 I’m sorry, 15 10 6 50s. It’s 26 grams of acetaminophen at a time. 26 grams, not milligrams, 26 grams of acetaminophen. So everyone’s liver is sort of frying.

[00:15:16] Regan Robertson: I was just going to say, RIP to your organs.

[00:15:19] Dr. Alan Mead: Well, interestingly, the guy that I went into treatment with convinced that there are some people that can catalyze acetaminophen better than others because I, I came in and my liver enzymes were slightly elevated.

[00:15:29] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Slightly elevated.

[00:15:30] Dr. Alan Mead: Slightly elevated. That was all it was. Like, can you freaking imagine? That was a lot of acetaminophen. But then I was, 150 milligrams of hydrocodone, which is, which is a lot. That’s what it took to get me feeling okay. You know, that was because I was in withdrawal constantly and all that stuff. So that’s, that’s the last time I used, yes.

[00:15:44] Regan Robertson: Well, there was, I wanted to back up one point because there is an underbelly, like there’s a softer side of addiction that I think that people don’t address and what you’re sharing with us. I mean, that is an extreme case to me, meaning it’s common, but it’s, you know, a substance and there are other forms of addiction that we can pull ourselves into that happen every single day. Like I was talking to our co-hosts here right before we hit record, there’s shopping, there’s smart form use, there’s being a workaholic. So there’s things that we do to cope. And you said something really, really fascinating that I want to go back to and it was, they will justify, like you will justify to keep using and you justified and not only did you do that, you knew, you knew you were addicted, but you kept going on and, and I wanted to go back to it was, it was your, your friend who got you into treatment. What was that definitive moment and made you flip and change your behavior and say, “I’m, I will go into treatment,” because otherwise you’re just on that wheel constantly over and over again? And some forms of addiction, Alan, can go a lifetime. It’s either going to kill you or you’re just going to keep hurting yourself in other ways.

[00:16:43] Dr. Alan Mead: In some ways being addicted to opiates, first off, no one. No one does what I was doing and can look someone else in the eye and go, this is totally normal. No big deal. So on some level it was helpful that it was so crazy, right? Because the reality is, is like, yes, buying stuff that you don’t need. That’s it’s all pushing the dopamine button. The question is addiction is actually doesn’t even have to do with the substance or the activity. Addiction is what is it doing to your life? So one of the screens that they use is like, you know, What are the consequences of this in your life? Okay. So if you like to shop an awful lot, is it affecting your life? How’s it affecting your life? Is it, is it, is it making it so you can’t pay other bills or are you’re all those things? Addiction has a lot less to do with what you’re doing or, or the substance you’re using. It has a lot more to do with how it’s affecting your life and that’s, I mean, there were no parts of my life left unaffected but the reality is there’s plenty of other addictions that, that could, that could affect your life and I, I kind of believe in all of it. It’s all about the same thing cause it all deals with the dopamine. It all deals with the feel good system, the, the do it again system. You know, it’s all, it’s all that, you know, the rush you get from, um, I mean, the rush you get from buying something new and the package coming and that sort of thing. I mean, I, I, I’m familiar with that. I know that story.

[00:17:53] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Do you find yourself in a position that because of this? particular kind of past, and the way that your brain has been rewired as a result of this addiction, you are more vulnerable to the possibility of becoming addicted to something else.

[00:18:08]  Dr. Alan Mead: Yes.

[00:18:09] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: And then do you take precautions in your life to protect yourself from that?

[00:18:13] Dr. Alan Mead: Yes, but I, to simplify, I don’t use any, any drugs or alcohol and I haven’t for almost 23 years. I just don’t, I don’t do it at all. I don’t try. I mean, maybe it wouldn’t affect me, but I do, I just don’t. So that simplifies a lot of the, the, those kinds of addictions and I got to tell you, what’s interesting is that a process addiction, your, your dopamine is getting hit with your own dopamine. That’s your own brain chemical. The problem with drugs and alcohol is it’s actually, you’re adding brain chemicals. You know what I’m saying? Like it’s a little, there’s a slight difference between substance addictions and process addictions because the process addictions, all the chemistry in your brain is getting stimulated by your own brain chemical versus mine was getting stimulated by opiates. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. So there’s a, there’s a little difference between the two of them, but process. If you’ve talked to anyone who’s a serious gambling addict, I mean, that’s, that’s like cocaine, like people, they can’t stop there. It’s, it’s really, and so, but gambling, the, the, the brain chemistry is all internal. It’s all dopamine, but those people get hooked just as, just as hard as anyone. So the reality is that all that’s real and I don’t know that I’m not sure that it’s important. The how, you know, one main precaution is I don’t drink and I don’t use drugs. Um, that part has been on some level, it’s really funny because that was a lot harder in the beginning. I’ll say this, getting clean, a lot harder than staying clean. Like, and I’m not gonna say that, that in the beginning it wasn’t really tempting, but there reached a point with me that, and I’ve asked a lot of, uh, recovering people this, and some of them, some of them are, struggle with it. I’m like, “Okay, if I could use whatever I, whatever, whatever I was into, if I could use anything and get away with it with no consequences, would I do it?” And, and in other words, like, if you could just avoid all consequences and use what you wanted, I don’t want to anymore. Doesn’t, doesn’t really thrill me. The idea doesn’t thrill me because I’m kind of interested in taking life on life’s terms a little bit rather. I don’t, I don’t want to change, you know, my, my perceptions are already not so great as a human being. I don’t need to, I don’t need to make it any worse by pouring, pouring that gasoline on the fire and I, and I mean, that’s sort of, it took me a while to get there. I’m not saying that it could never, I wouldn’t ever, but I don’t, it’s not very hard anymore. It doesn’t, doesn’t cry and honestly, I’m even around it sometimes. Like I’m even around people who are drinking, I don’t like to be around people who are drinking, but I don’t have to not be around them because it just doesn’t, It just doesn’t really do anything to me anymore that way.

[00:20:24] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: So if you found yourself in a position where somebody was holding, you know, Vicoprofen in front of you and, and this is the matrix scenario. Your wife and kids are not around. Alcohol is alcohol, but, you know, as an addict of, of an opioid, that, that is what we’re presenting to you. I’ll, I’ll get here. Let me give you a scenario. I have a friend who’s an addict and she’s been clean for 12 years. Now all of a sudden, And she goes to Mexico and in the hotel lobby, they’re selling the, the drug that she’s addicted to, which is Valium. Okay and her husband’s not with her and, um, she’s 12 years clean and she doesn’t need the Valium but now she’s like, “Well, you know what? Maybe one day, I mean, I’ve had some nights that I can’t sleep when I’m traveling. It’d be, it sure would be nice just to have a little bit of Valium,” and she’s tempted. Um, does that happen? What would you What would you do? Like, how tempted would that be? Would you, would you be affected by that if you were in Mexico and they were, and they were selling narco?

[00:21:20] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, they probably are, by the way.

[00:21:22] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: I,

[00:21:24] Dr. Alan Mead: I will say this, I still count my clean time every year on 10th of January. I go out on Facebook and I say another year, 23 years will be this coming, this coming January, you know, I still count it. So the reality is I’ve, I’ve got too much riding on it to do something stupid like that. I guess if I didn’t take it that seriously, if I didn’t, if I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal, maybe, but it just doesn’t appeal to me at all. And I mean, I’ve been in situations where I could have, okay, so I got hit by a truck on my bike.

[00:21:50] Regan Robertson: Oh, yeah. Oh, you literally did get hit by a truck or?

[00:21:52] Dr. Alan Mead: It’s not a metaphor. I got, I got hit by a pickup truck on my bike and I broke my back in two places. Now, that sounds worse than it actually was. I walked away from it. And I mean, like, we only found out that I broke my back from the MRI. But, uh, I had to wear a brace. I didn’t have to do surgery. I had to wear a brace but like, so I was in there and I. Um, it hurt, you can imagine, uh, and they offered me medication. I didn’t take it. I’m like, you know, I I’m doing okay with this. I mean, you know, and it, it sucked, but it wasn’t that bad and, and I’m like, I really don’t even, cause the concern is I’m sitting in a hospital room all alone. This is right during the pandemic too, by the way, which is an absolute trip. You know, hospital, it’s like a horror movie. There’s no one there. It’s just, the place is empty. I’m in a hospital bed and I’m not allowed to get up because the neurosurgeon hasn’t come. So I have to stay in the bed. So all I got is me in a bed and I have the opportunity to take this stuff and I didn’t do it because I’m like, you know, it’s not, I’m going to look back and be glad that I didn’t.

[00:22:43] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Now, if it But they offered this to you knowing that you were an addict?

[00:22:45] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, yeah. But I mean, here’s the thing. It’s not their responsibility, Maggie. It’s my responsibility. There’s no one, no one’s gonna, no one’s gonna call the cops on me if I, if I take a Norco because I got my back. No,

[00:22:54] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: they’re not. But then you become a walking liability if they, if you take the Norco and then you’re back in addiction and then you can sue them for becoming an ad, for, well, I don’t know if you want to call it an active ad.

[00:23:04] Dr. Alan Mead: Well, no, I mean, I, yeah.

[00:23:07] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Okay, well, in today’s litigious society. Yeah,

[00:23:08] Dr. Alan Mead: I don’t, I don’t live that way. I can’t live that way, to be honest.

[00:23:12] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Well, you don’t, you, you don’t, but there’s plenty of people that would.

[00:23:14] Dr. Alan Mead: I know, and they have worse lives for it. I’m going to tell you that right now. They really do and that’s a whole other story but, but I mean, like the whole idea of I’m waiting for someone to sue me is a really bad spot to be, but I get it. I know a lot of people like that. I didn’t take it and it didn’t, it ended up working out. Okay. I’m pretty glad that I didn’t. Right and I don’t, I have to say I work with a sponsor. I have a lot of 12 step background and all that stuff and so if I had decided I was really going to, I would have talked to my sponsor about it. I would have made sure that if it would have been an accountability thing, whether that’s, I’m going to just take it in the hospital and I won’t take it out cause the other thing is, is, you know, it’d been. I mean, I was pretty serious about it, and I mean, obviously people need to take pain medications enough. There’s legitimate reasons to take pain medication. That probably would have even been one, except I was like, “Ah, I think I’m okay, and I did fine without it,” but the reality is, though, like, Yeah, it becomes, and I remember when I was in treatment, that’s all we ever talked about. Oh man, what happens if we are in a situation when it could, because of course we, at the time you’re like, man, I hope I’m in a situation like that, so I can try to, you know, and, and you come to realize like, nah, not really, nah, you don’t really want to do that and I will say this too, something else, Maggie, the few times when I, when I have like a using dream or if I have a really bad day and I’m like, you know, man, it’d be pretty good to have some of this, you know what it is. It’s a beer that I want because that was, that’s where I started in dental school, man. As a beer, a beer could change the way my day went in dental school. Now, mind you, yes, of course, all the opiates could do that too aut for whatever reason, that’s where my brain goes now, even though that opiates were my problem. So the reality is I’m kind of unsafe at any speed with that stuff. So I just don’t, I, I, I try none of it and that keeps me, keeps me pretty sane.

[00:24:49] Regan Robertson: Can we talk about treatment? And here’s some context around that. I think addiction is far more prevalent than we give it credit. I think it’s far more prevalent than we track scientifically. I think alcoholism and drug addiction, those things get the biggest um, attention but you know, since all of us are in dentistry, we all know there are a lot of life coaching opportunities out there. There’s, there’s constant bring balance to your life over and over again and I’d like to go underneath the surface because you can hire a life coach to help you bring more balance into your life so that you stay healthy more time at home and you’re not as much in the office. There’s, there’s practical ways you can apply that, but not if you are addicted, if you are addicted to work. So if you are getting your dopamine hits because of the value you see, that’s presented to you when you are working, it’s not going to solve the problem. So you’re going to waste thousands of dollars trying to figure out different frameworks and you’re applying them but if the addiction is there and it’s untreated, I hear treatment facilities. I don’t know, personally, I haven’t Googled it. I don’t know if there’s treatment facilities. If you have a spending problem, a gambling, probably gambling but shopping, smartphone use, and you can’t get off the phone, those types of things. I don’t know that there’s treatment for that. So could you be our eyes and ears and walk us through how treatment helped you rewire your brain? Like what things did you have to put in place to get to the point today where you can say, “I’m fictitiously in Mexico, this drugs presented to me and I can say I’m too stupid and I can walk away?” bBecause that’s a very, um, it’s awesome that you can do that. I don’t know that people are that strong, especially if they haven’t gone through treatment.

[00:26:18] Dr. Alan Mead: Well, it’s interesting. Okay, so I went to a place, it was called West Michigan Addiction Consultants, it’s based on a model, the Talbot model, which is actually in Atlanta, and it’s, it’s, it’s very specific, it’s quite specific to healthcare providers. So I was in treatment with, there was like one other dentist there when I was there. It was a whole bunch of anesthesiologists and nurses, as you can imagine, because they have keys to the candy store, if you know what I’m saying. Um, there’s, there were some surgeons, there were some, a lot of physicians, different types of physicians, but a ton of more anesthesiologists. I would argue that dentists, dentists are particularly susceptible to drug addictions because we don’t have much supervision and we have, we have

[00:26:53] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: You think so still?

[00:26:54] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, like, no, I’m saying still most dentists work alone. What I’m talking, I’m talking like human, you know, you’re the boss and, you know, my, my team didn’t feel like they could, you know, call the cops on me. I was writing a paychecks, right? Like that’s, that was, I was, you know, I was the, the sole.

[00:27:07] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: But I think ordering drugs is far more difficult now and so is writing scripts.

[00:27:13] Dr. Alan Mead: It probably is. I don’t know. I haven’t tried, so I don’t know. I mean, you wouldn’t have, you wouldn’t have expected it to be as easy as it was. I will say that at the time. I I’m in like, for instance, most people don’t realize that you have to have a federal drug control license and probably a state drug control license to have controlled substances on your, on your property and you handle, you have to, if you’re dispensing, not administering, but dispensing, you have to dispense like a pharmacist. You know, you have to dispense like a pharmacy. There’s a lot of rules to it. Not that, but no one’s checking. I’m telling you back then they weren’t, maybe they are now. I don’t know though. There’s a lot, there’s, there’s, we are still not very well. Um, I don’t think dental offices are sort of, they don’t have the same kind of administration as hospital and medical situations. There’s no doubt about that and, and mostly the dentists that might be in trouble are the ones that are doing the administration and that could be different now. That’s what definitely that is with me.

[00:27:59] Dr. Chad Johnson: Uh, they’re probably not going to audit your chart audits until you’re being audited for something, you know, but until then it’s honor system is what

[00:28:08] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: I remember. There was a time that, that maybe when this was happening to you, Alan, that there would be people coming to my office that were like many pharmacies that were like, “Okay, here’s a cabinet that we’re going to sell you with a little lock and please buy. Um, Codine and Vicodin and, uh, Acetaminophen and, um, Antibiotics and please stock them and here’s a bunch of stickers and here’s a book,’

[00:28:35] Dr. Alan Mead: And they were actually, they were actually telling you how to do it like a pharmacy. It sounds like,

[00:28:39] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: But they really wanted us to dispense that at 20 to the patient. Oh jeez. Um, you know, per bottle and whatever and the patients didn’t want to, didn’t want to do that because they were getting it free with their insurance from the pharmacy so then like two years later you’re stuck with all these drugs. We were.

[00:28:57] Dr. Alan Mead: That’s great.

[00:28:58] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Right.

[00:28:59] Dr. Alan Mead: I mean, I mean, I, I never ran into that. Thank God, honestly, but I never ran into that but I also was not someone who was following all the rules on clearly on, on that stuff. So I, I, what I would say is that dentists are probably susceptible for the fact that a lot of us still work alone. A lot of, we have a lot of access if we want it, if we choose to and that’s the other thing, most dentists don’t choose to. So probably one of the reasons they don’t audit so hard is because dentists probably for the most part, don’t do this stuff but, but the ones that do can get away with it because, I mean, I don’t know. I did. I don’t know and again, that’s 22 years ago, so I don’t know how it is now. I’d like to think that it’s a lot, a lot harder to do what I was doing. Uh, and the other thing is, is that there’s a lot more illicit stuff out there. Like, thank God I, I wasn’t, you know, in trouble at the time that fentanyl was all over the place. Apparently it’s easier to get fentanyl than it isn’t, you know, it’s, I don’t know. So it’s, so stuff changes, but as far as treatment, I, I went into, uh, this place, it was a lot of healthcare professionals. If I was in treatment for four and a half months, my dad covered my office while I was gone. I was in, I wasn’t in treatment part time, I was full time. So I was gone from my office for essentially four and a half months. That’s another reason people are not willing to do treatment because, you know, their livelihood doesn’t stand up to it and I will tell you what, uh, when they lawyer up, when a guy, when a guy gets confronted with the fact that he, you know, he drinks too much in the office or he, or he’s gotten in trouble with drugs, the lawyers are like, what are you going to do? You’re going to make it so this guy, he can’t, he can’t possibly go to treatment this long. He’ll never make it. I mean, his office will go under and there’s a lot to that. There’s a lot to that but so I was there, we did, um, two therapy sessions. Like it was group therapy. It was everyone, we went to a 12 step meeting every day and I lived in a community situation where we lived in apartments, four people in an apartment and it was other people in treatment. So we were kind of, the community was kind of therapeutic on its own cause you got to know these people and you were trying to all do this. together and frankly, not everyone was in it for the right reasons. And not everyone was, you know, I’m saying it’s sort of a, it was a bit of a mess, but I was there.

[00:30:46] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: What does that mean?

[00:30:48] Regan Robertson: Does that mean they were forced in? They had no choice? A lot.

[00:30:51] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah. Most of them were forced in. Most of the, most of them were in trouble for something. When you go into treatment, your, your ass is on fire and you’re trying to put it out. That’s what’s happening in a lot of cases. Some people might find that unfair, but the reality is, it doesn’t matter how you got there. Um, a lot of times you’ll go to an AA meeting and they’re like, it doesn’t matter how you got there. If you stick around long enough, it’s going to start sticking to you a little bit. So I was there for four and a half months. I also, the day that I went in, this is really funny. It’s, it’s funny to me now. It’s funny at the time.

[00:31:25] Dr. Chad Johnson: We better laugh.

[00:31:25] Dr. Alan Mead: The guy, right?

[00:31:26] Regan Robertson: We’re laughing now. ,

[00:31:27] Dr. Alan Mead: The guy who was running the place handed me the phone and, uh, dialed the number of the Michigan HPRP, the Health Professionals Recovery Program and, uh, I admitted to them what I was doing. So I was on contract the day I walked in. I’ll tell you, I didn’t know who I was talking to, and you were, you’re supposed to self, you’re supposed to self-report. I did self-report on his phone when he handed it to me and I didn’t know what was going on. So I self-reported and I was so, I was gonna be on contract. So I was on contract for three years.

[00:31:49] Regan Robertson: Uh, a lot of, what does that mean on contract? I was gonna say, I have no idea what that means.

[00:31:51] Dr. Alan Mead: Okay, so this is very typical. Most states have some kind of a program like this. It’s a diversion program where when I’m done with treatment, I’m on a contract. So each, I would, I, when I started on contract, I had to call every weekday morning to see if I was going to do a random drug screen.

I had to, I had to, uh,

[00:32:07] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Did you say every day? Every, every, every

[00:32:09] Dr. Alan Mead: Monday through Friday. Yeah. Um, so, and, and I mean, you know, you, you screened a lot. You screen probably, I mean, in the beginning, it was usually at least once a week, but it was random. So you didn’t know when you were going to screen. I got a great story with that. I’d had drug screens in treatment. They do that. Uh, but the very first time I went in for a drug screening, I, I found the place where I needed to go. I was, I was motivated and I’m like, I don’t want this to, I figured if I went to work knowing I had to screen and I didn’t know when I was going to get my be able to get away to screen. It was going to drive me crazy all day. So I wanted to get there first thing before work started. So I would call, I think five o’clock in the morning was when you’d find out your number, if your number was up, you had to screen and so if I screen, I get right up, take a quick shower and I both over there, cause I think that I think they opened at six or six 30 or whatever. So I made sure I was the first person in line. So I didn’t have to get it done so I could go on without my day, without worrying about whether or not I was going to get there, uh, the very first day I went in there, I was the first person in there, the person that called me to collect my specimen was a patient. You can imagine that. So that was, uh,

[00:33:08] Regan Robertson: Fancy meeting you here.

[00:33:09] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah. In recovery, humility is given to you. You don’t have to ask. It comes for you. That was a humiliating experience but, but honestly, I look back and like, well, you know, “Hey, it was one of the things that helped keep me clean. So it worked, you know? Right. I kind of wear it on my sleeve now. It’s not a secret to anyone anymore, but, and, and I, it’s better that way as far as I’m concerned. But so I was, you had to drug screen, you had to, there was a, there were group therapy sessions once a week, it was Tuesdays after work I’d go in. It was a bunch of local people that were healthcare professions that do a, do a group therapy session. You do at least three meetings a day. I did more than that. I was a meetings guy for, for years and years.

[00:33:43] Regan Robertson: For the four and a half months you do the meetings three times a day or is this after? The four

[00:33:46] Dr. Alan Mead: and a half months I was in treatment you did a meeting every day. That was part of it. Yeah, okay, and you have a card and you have to have it signed and that sounds a little silly but there’s a lot of mockery that goes around in, in long term recovering groups where the, the kids come in and they gotta have their card signed. I was that guy for three years. I was leading Narcotics Anonymous meetings. I still had to have my card signed. It was kind of funny. So, in any case, so they, there’s a lot, basically they, they, give you all these things, you have to go to an addiction specialist every three months to make sure and I, I was on Naltrexone, which is a medication that it’s it’s like a basically an opiate agonist. So supposedly, if you used an opiod, it wouldn’t work, you know, wouldn’t it wouldn’t it basically blocked the mu receptors that You know, that started the fireworks when you had the opiate. So, so, and so I took that again, I took that for years. My wife would witness me taking it and sign my card and all that stuff. So there’s a lot of accountability they build into it.

[00:34:35] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Can I ask you, when you went through withdrawal, yeah, does that hurt?

[00:34:37] Dr. Alan Mead:  That was terrible. I mean, but here’s the thing you look at it, you know, if you’ve ever seen the basketball, basketball diaries, you see a Leonardo DiCaprio going through horrible opiate withdrawal, blah, blah, blah. It sucks. It’s terrible. It feels like you have the flu. I was in, I was in withdrawal constantly. I used up my stuff so fast that I was in withdrawal. As much as I was using. So I walked around with a runny nose and feeling terrible and, you know, you know, the sweats and, you know, body aches and stuff like that constantly. It’s, you know, it sucks, but it’s also like, you know, I, and actually I probably, so opiods tend to, if you’ve ever been on an opiate, it makes your GI slow down a little bit. It caused constipation. If you use it like I was using, you were normal when you were using. So when you didn’t have it, it was the other way. It was like, I had diarrhea for months at a time because my GI system was all messed up and I’ve heard other people that used as much as I did say the same thing. So, I mean, like, “Yeah, your body’s all messed up from this stuff, but did it hurt?” Yeah. Was it the most regular thing that happened to me at any time? Absolutely. It was constant. So for me, I know that it’s very dramatic to, Oh, lots of people say, “I don’t want to get clean because then I’ll have to go through withdrawal.” I’m like, dude, “I’m going through withdrawal all the time. It sucks.” It’s terrible but I mean, like, it’s also, that’s what these things do to you. And, yeah, so you just kind of gut through it. There’s ways to make it better, but, uh, I didn’t. I, I just, it sucked for a while. You know, it was, I, I was pretty serious. When I got to treatment, I’ll tell you this. I had not been honest with anyone about what I was doing. Well, when they dragged me off to treatment, everyone knew what I was, what was going on. For the first time, people realized what I had been doing for all this time. And it was kind of freeing. You’re like, okay, I’m going to take advantage of this and, and stop, you know, and it wasn’t easy. There were times when it was a little scary, times when I was thinking about screwing up, but I really didn’t. I never did. Once I started treatment, I never relapsed. So it’s like I’ve never been back to it. And I mean, I’m not going to say it’s easy, but that’s, that’s the program that I ran and it was, and it worked really well for me. The treatment center was awesome because When you get to take four months and just work on yourself, my poor office, my dad and my team, they had no idea what’s going on with me. They didn’t even know if I was going to come back and I didn’t want to talk about it. And the people in treatment, they didn’t want me to talk about it because they wanted me to focus on my recovery all the time. So it was like, it was a little crazy. My poor dad still, still to this day is like, man, you know, you’d never talk about the office. She never talked about it. I didn’t know if you’re gonna come back and be a dentist. I didn’t even know and I didn’t, I feel bad, but I didn’t, you know, at the time, you don’t get to focus on yourself like that for four months at a time on anything. And so I think that helped a lot. It helped a lot to kind of build that lifestyle.

[00:36:55] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: Did your patients know and then do your patients know?

[00:36:58] Dr. Alan Mead: Lots of my patients know because I put it up on Facebook every year that I’ve got another year, but at the time I was told this really sucks too because, uh, you know, it’s supposed to be an honest program. If anyone that’s going into treatment, patients just need to know you’re on a medical leave. They don’t need to know any more than that. My patients thought I had a back problem, which ironically, 18 years later, I technically had a back problem after getting hit by a truck, but they thought I had a back problem and I was gone for that. I wouldn’t have chosen that and interestingly, someone from the Michigan committee that I was later on and later the chairperson of said, just say it’s a back problem because that could be that you could be gone. You could be out that long for a back prop but the reality is, is like, it’s not really your patient’s business but on the other hand, I’ve had no regrets in talking about it with my patients. It’s a really odd marketing choice because I have a ton of recovering people that come to me because they know I’m in recovery. So it’s an interesting choice, but, and I, like I said, transparency has worked really well for me. So that’s, that’s been my choice and I know that’s really scary and I know most recovering people don’t feel okay about that but I can say this, I have no regrets. I’ve never once been the guy that said, Oh, I wish I hadn’t said that. So I, I, it’s worked out pretty good for me.

[00:38:02] Regan Robertson: On the topic of transparency, I’m really curious if you’re open to sharing what relief underneath everything made you pull that trigger and choose yourself. What was the motivator for you that said, “I’m going to change the way I’m doing things and I’m going to give treatment a try”?

[00:38:16] Dr. Alan Mead: I had never been offered treatment. The intervention, I just said, okay, I mean, let’s go. That was it. You know, like, just the fact that people knew what I was doing after all that time was pretty much it. It’s, it’s much less dramatic than

[00:38:27] Dr. Chad Johnson: Was it like afive minute conversation, just like

[00:38:27] Dr. Alan Mead:  They came in, they came in and they said that, you know, they, they said, we’re here to help. We can, I’m like, let’s do it. You know, let’s go. I, I said, I’ve been, I’ve tried so many times on my own. I couldn’t do it. So, you know, and it was not, it was not glorious. It was not, it sounds like it was easy. It wasn’t easy, but I was like, I didn’t have a lot of other choices. So

[00:38:43] Regan Robertson: But you did, but you did have a choice. So you were forced into the intervention and you were like, okay, let’s do it. I get that piece, but you’re there. You still have to make a choice to show up. You still have to make a choice to go through treatment. So there was something there that made you say, okay, now I’m here. I’m going to do it.

[00:38:58] Dr. Alan Mead: I’m a people pleaser and I’m a striver and what’s really funny to say this, I’m a rule follower. Which is bizarre, because I obviously wasn’t following any rules then, but technically I’m a rule follower. You give me a rule, and I’ll follow it. I’ll follow it better than anyone.

[00:39:10] Dr. Chad Johnson: But you almost wanted back into the boundaries. Yeah. Like you had gone out of boundaries, and you wanted back in.

[00:39:16] Dr. Alan Mead: It was a lot of structure, and I did really well with it. Now I gotta tell you, a lot of the people I was in treatment with fought it like crazy. Yeah and what’s really funny is that was one more reason for me not to because it was like, you know, there’s an easy way and there’s a hard way. I think I’ll take the easy way. So I kind of did my, the guy that ran the treatment center couldn’t fricking believe me. He, he still couldn’t believe me. So I, when they had a coin out ceremony, which is, which is when you leave the treatment center, they have this big, the whole treatment center gets together and they, they, they send a coin around, everyone wishes you well and all that stuff, and it got back to him and he said, “You know, I don’t know what to do with you because you hit the ground running. He said, he’d never seen anything like that.”

[00:39:51] Regan Robertson: Did you, uh, did you transfer your dopamine hits to, uh, another source? So I’ve heard with alcoholism they might move their addiction to exercise, so they might move it to something that would be considered a healthy addiction. Did that happen for you?

[00:40:05] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah, there’s a lot of things over the years that it’s done. I do a lot of exercise now. I, uh, I have a lot of bikes.

[00:40:11] Regan Robertson: Would you consider it like an addiction, like a transfer of addiction, or would you consider it like you’re in a healthy balance with it? At

[00:40:16] Dr. Alan Mead: At times. At times. Podcasting has been the same thing.

[00:40:18] Dr. Chad Johnson: Oh, I’ve heard that so many times, Alan, how cycling is, like with my triathlon buddies and stuff. They’re just like, have you ever heard like this? The Lance Armstrong, you know, every cyclist is trying to ride away from something,

[00:40:30] Dr. Alan Mead: but more than that, every cyclist is looking for their next bike to like, like cycling, cycling hits a lot. It checks a lot of the boxes cause there’s a lot of gadgets you can buy. There’s always another fancier bike you can buy. It’s like envy of someone else’s exactly. Exactly. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s kind of wild that pretty colors. Even before, and podcasting is the same way, you know, it’s like, I have more recording equipment than any four people, you know, for no good reason mind. You don’t need that much recording equipment for the longest time. It was, I was really into the technical side of the podcasting and not, not so much anymore, but I think the cycling is probably, if I have an addiction that I’m, I’m kind of giving into, it’s probably that, but even before the podcasting, I, for a while, I got into baking, not a great thing for a diabetic but here we are, and I love baking. I was baking bread. I was baking these beautiful, like artisan loaves. I would like, think about it during the day. It was crazy. It was just like the, like, I’m trying to plan my dental practice day about, okay, so it’s going to rise for this long. It’s going to be a slow rise. It’ll be ready to go and like, I’m trying to cook during the week or trying to bake during the week and so they’re just waiting for the weekend because I was, I was obsessed with it. So I still have that. I still know I can do that. Probably cycling is the thing that does it the most and I buy a lot of gadgets on my bikes. There’s never enough time to ride as much as I would like to, like I would like to ride, I’d probably ride twice a day every day if I could with kids and stuff. I just don’t, I’m not able to do it but yeah, I think my mind is a little bit like that and I will say that I’ve, I’ve had some ease on that since then. Like it’s not as bad now as it used to be, but there’s times. There’s times. So, you know,

[00:41:55] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: I do have a question, which is a strange question to ask, but is there any part of this journey that you feel you are grateful for?

[00:42:02] Dr. Alan Mead: All of it. People don’t understand how someone can say this, but I’m grateful that I am an addict because here’s the thing. I could realize that what was going on with me had a label and had something I could do about it and I was 30 when I got clean. I mean, I was able, I was relatively young. I was able to do something about it. So I’m wildly grateful that it was addiction. I mean, I’m wildly grateful that it was something that was treatable and that I chose to treat and frankly, it’s a lot easier to deal with it now than it was then. So gratitude is basically the core of my life. I’m grateful for a lot of things and that’s one of the reasons I can, I can kind of like walk around and not worry about the litigious society we’re in or walk about, you know, I, social media is a complete show and it’s, and it’s self administered poison. I do it more than I should, but I also am able to not soak that much in. I don’t take it as personally as a lot of people, honestly.

[00:42:49] Dr. Maggie Augustyn: This particular, uh, episode or in this particular part of the podcast has to do with opening up the eyes of our listeners to the more challenging parts of our lives snd you are an example of what is possible in the most difficult and the most challenging and the darkest parts of our lives and you just having expressed something, I don’t know, I don’t want to call it bizarre, but it’s true but I think some people might, to me, it’s just so beautiful that out of the truly darkest rock bottom places that would make you take away your will to live out of that depth of darkness could come purpose and passion and gratitude could give someone that might be on the brink of not wanting to take another step in their life, an opportunity, perhaps gain hope in taking that next step and I sincerely mean it when I tell you that you don’t give yourself enough credit and not just how far you’ve come, but quite possibly at the hope that you are bringing to the audience of this particular podcast and quite possibly to the audiences of your podcast, but maybe even to your patients and the people that you come in contact with and into the people that you are honest. With about your transformation and, and, and the ability that you’ve had and the hard work that you’ve put into overcoming your addiction because people die every single day, not being able to overcome it and maybe the reason why they can’t overcome it is because they have lost hope.

[00:44:24] Dr. Alan Mead: Yeah. I mean, probably I tend to not take myself very seriously and I think that goes, well, I think it goes a long ways to do that. I mean, like on some level it’s like, do I do it? Cause I, I hope it helps. Sure, but I also think that it takes away a lot of the power and the scariness, if you’re just freaking open sunshine is the strongest disinfectant. Being open about it is like I said, I’ve got no regrets and that it helps. I think I don’t, I haven’t found that other people are okay with that. I I’d love to see more people talk about like Brett and I are the only two that I know of really. Dug in like that publicly and I, and you mentioned Brett. I mean, I, I’ve known Brett for years and we’ve, we’ve done a lot of work together in different places and it’s always had to do with addiction. So it’s kind of being open about, it’s important, but I also am like, I good to do it and I always forget that not everyone has hurt all this stuff ’cause it’s just my life, you know? Just, it’s just what, what I’ve experienced. So I forget that it’s not, I probably should talk about it more because it’s, it, it’s just a commonplace in my life, but you kind of, you kind of forget that it’s not commonplace in everyone’s life.

[00:45:20] Regan Robertson: Alan, thank you so much for opening up yourself, uh, your heart, your story, bringing in. your humor as well as is great. Um, this has been a very powerful episode and I think it’s, it’s going to open up a lot of people’s eyes. If people want to hear more of you, they’re, they’re enticed. Where can people find you?

[00:45:34] Dr. Alan Mead: I do three episodes a week on the Very Dental Podcast Network. Um, not all of them are me. We have, we have a group of people that do it, but I’ve been doing the podcast years now. It started out as the Dental Hacks Podcast and now it’s called the Very Dental Podcast. So I’m on that a lot. We have a Very Dental Facebook group and I’m on Facebook quite often. I also have an easy to remember email. My email is simplebutnoteasy@gmail.com. It’s one of these things where, um, I mean, if there’s people who are actually having trouble with addiction, email me, cause I can help. I mean, I’ve got resources. I can talk about it. It’s, it’s, uh, I get a lot of people hearing these, you forget how commonplace it is, but it doesn’t have to be because it doesn’t have to be. I say that because it’s like literally not something I, I would have never believed it, but I don’t really even think about it. It’s not even, I don’t really, it’s. Not something that, that affects me the same way that it used to. I know it’s there. I know it’s important, but I also realized, you know, after a while, it doesn’t rule your life, you know?

[00:46:23] Regan Robertson: Well, thank you, Alan. Uh, this has been a powerful episode. Thank you, Maggie. Thank you, Chad. Thank you. Let’s go out and keep making great impacts.

[00:46:28] Dr. Chad Johnson: Thanks Doc

[00:46:29] Dr. Alan Mead: . Yep. You bet. Thank you.

[00:46:32] Regan Robertson: Thank you for listening to another episode of Everyday Practices Podcast. It would mean the world if you can help support us. Spread the word by sharing this episode with a fellow dentist and leave us a review on iTunes or Spotify. Do you have an extraordinary story you’d like to share or feedback on how we can make this podcast even more awesome? Drop us an email at podcast@productivedentist.com and don’t forget to check out our other podcasts from Productive Dentist Academy at productivedentist.com/podcasts. See you next week.

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