PDA Conference March 13 -15, 2025 in Frisco, Texas

Episode 165 – Check Out This CE Trick (Before Your Competitors Do)

“Do you know which CE will add value when you put your practice up for sale in the future?” ~Regan Robertson

There’s no “silver bullet” to creating a productive, valuable practice. Instead, the most successful dental practices carefully hone their systems, teams, and processes to create valuable practices they love walking into every day. 

One everyday practice top producers leverage is using their CE to add massive value to their dental practices. Did you know you can use CE to change your service mix, craft your ideal patient dynamic, and serve as your office KPIs?

We love to make your lives easier! So today, we are bringing you simple, practical ideas you can use right now so you too can, including:

  • Questions top producers and owners ask themselves as they plan their CE
  • Recommendations for CE providers that add value to your practice
  • How CE affects YOUR personal value and makes you more attractive to potential partners, associates, and buyers

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes & Spotify. Visit us at http://www.everydaypracticespodcast.com


Dr. Chad Johnson
Hey everybody, this is Chad Johnson and I’m here today with Everyday Practices co-host, Regan Robertson How are you, Regan?

I’m doing fantastic today, Chad, how are you?

Dr. Chad Johnson
I’m doing well. Thank you. We’re getting a series of these podcasts recorded out and our topic for this episode is services offered from the dental clinic clinical side. So we’re talking about what see ease should we consider when we’re wanting to make the practice what we want it to be, and stuff like that.

So you had a few questions that you were kind of writing down as we’re talking about it that would kind of speak to the listener? Do you mind? You know, like, did you write those down? Yeah, I did. So I mean, you know, from the perspective of the dentist owner, if they’re sitting and thinking about these questions, this would be your episode, so read on.

Absolutely. You know, I wonder as you’re sitting there as a dentist and business owner, do you weigh the risks and rewards of CEE when it comes to bringing new services into your practice? Or how about this? Do you include CTE as an office KPI? Hmm. I like that question. Because I think it’s looking at our CTE in a very strategic manner and ultimately, it’s do you know which CPE will add value as a lead indicator when you put your dental practice up for sale?

Dr. Chad Johnson
Right. So if you’re a retiring dentist or if you’re a dentist that’s thinking about wrapping your practice, you know, for the sale. So in other words to go off of Victoria’s idea of her podcast, investment grade practices, is your practice becoming more investment grade by how you choose your CEE so something that you know, like we wanted to look at it from different vantage points do number one, are you doing the procedure mix that you wish you could do? And then also Are you offering your patients what they want?

And so, you know, some of this even has to do with, you know, how your marketing tips so that way people can, can have? Well, so that way your marketing team, whether it’s you, or someone else that’s deciding how do we market our practice and then, you know, are we competitive with other offices in what their service mix is, and spreading out your learning over a few years. So let’s say you’re a brand new owner, you open right out of school, and you’re thinking, Okay, what CES? What should I do?

Well, just because you can label, you know, the top five C’s that you want to do doesn’t mean you should close up the next two months and only do CES, you have to kind of spread it out and you have to be thinking, Okay, what’s my budget? What am I able to afford, not just in dollar cost, but what am I able to afford away from work, because you have to remember,

just like, you know, you see 50-year-old or 60-year-old dentists traveling and having fun and stuff like that, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you as a new grad, three weeks into your owning your own practice, and you’ve got 10 patients, that you are going to be able to have, you know, the same travel lifestyle that the that you’ll be able to have in 40 years, or 20 years, or maybe even 10 years, but you’ve got to get your nose to the grind and you don’t want to bust out all your CEE at once and so you have to figure out what’s my budget, what’s my time constraints budget, and then figure out okay, so how about this year, I focus on diagnosis and occlusion? And so I’m gonna go to kois.

You know, I’m gonna go to the kois seminars up in Seattle and what’s that going to look like? For each core course, they do double courses with kois, for example, where it’s three days and three days, so you can do six days in a row, and John kois,

I can’t believe it, he’s a monster, he will, he will do six days in a row 11 hours a day for 66 hours. I mean, you know, of CEE, it’s just a, he crushes it and the guy at the end, I think, could go for another 20 hours if you if, like if I don’t know if they’d let him or whatever and so it’s super impressive 40 People go in, and the signup is normally, you know, good six to 12 months out. So you have to be looking at those C’s, and make sure that you get courses one and two scheduled together and do all six days in rows.

So that way it saves on your travel but that’s one example but that’s what year one, I mean, so then you have to bank up, you know, like get done with all your treatment and savings account for your CTE or at least a slush set of money you know that you’re setting aside. So that way next year, you can be like, You know what, next year I want to work on Ceric and you know, put in seconds my practice but regen, we were talking about that when you are doing, you know, kind of getting your wish list for your see, it might not be just because you find endo interesting doesn’t mean that you should go to a Buchanan endo course in Santa Barbara. Here’s why.

For example, I’ll admit this, I am no good at Endo and I think I could probably become good and over time, but there were a few reasons. In 2005. When I graduated, I found that I got the, you know, general concepts of easy Endo and so I would do some I just couldn’t stomach when I would fail at Endo and, you know, if I could blame it on the specialists, then I could send that failure back to the specialist and it was their problem to deal with, you know, instead of like, Oh, crud. Now we’ve got to pull this to do I pull it for free, you know, on this person because I failed at the Endo and I feel bad about this.

Do I charge them and make them all the more mad? So it becomes a PR issue of how do you handle the failure and that I’m just like, another issue was at the time I started my practice from scratch, I had bulky digital sensors that couldn’t get the apex and so I didn’t know exactly, you know, all the time, especially with a rubber dam clamp in the way and everything like that, where my Apex wasn’t, so it was frustrating doing Endo and it took me normally longer than an hour.

Well, these guys could rock it out in under an hour the patient was happy, then I could spend time doing the procedures that I was productive add, or at least as a new grad I was productive at rather than wasting two hours. On an endo procedure. I would rather waste two hours on a crown or something like that, that I was going to need to get better at. So I referred the endo out.

That’s not everyone’s story, but I’ll admit, I was Secchia endo and here 17 years later, I live in a big enough town where I can refer all my endo and or my associates can take them when they want to if they want dibs on it first and then they’re willing to do it, then they can take it but I sent endo out and I’ve just, it’s which is funny because like when I do implant dentistry, it’s practically like Endo, you know, you’re using a little drill and then you’re using a bigger drill, and then you’re, you know, you’re going down to length, and then you’re checking to see if your length is right and I’m just like, this is funny, I suck at Endo, and then I do implants, which is kind of like anti-Endo but if, if you’re mediocre at Endo, then you could take courses and get better at Endo.

Or you could admit to yourself, this might be a legal liability and a legal risk for me to do more Endo, just because I like it doesn’t mean that I should be spending all my time on it. Especially if you have a practice of 10 to 18-year-olds, and you’re not going to be doing a lot of Endo, perhaps I don’t know.

I’m just thinking out loud but Reagan, so there have to be some decisions in the legal risk of whether you should do a procedure or not, and just because you like oral surgery doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily good at it. Maybe you’re not. You don’t have the balance between strength and finesse figured out? Well, you could go and take courses on it and learn to get better. Or you could just take that risk off your plate. Does that make sense? Is that resonate with you?

It does make sense. I think it’s what’s interesting here you’ve got several formulas kind of running at once. So kind of figuring out what you want to refer out. So be honest with yourself and say, I am good at this or I am not good at this, or I want to do this. I’m going to operate on the assumption that everybody listening to everyday practices dental podcasts is practices with integrity, and ethical gold stars across the board.

So there, it’s good to call out and remind people though there are legal ramifications, of course. So you always want to practice on the up and up. Regardless of what services you love to do and not do. What I have heard is the need or the desire, not a need, but a desire to be able to be that one-stop style shop.

So the more that you can bring in and care for that person. I know from a patient’s perspective, that can be a great convenience and in order to do that, you have to be very strategic about which CEE you choose and in which order to be successful.

So for example, I got a call the other day from someone and they said to me, Reagan, can you just send me? Can you just send me a quick course, on conflict resolution? Because I love how you manage conflict and I love how you can speak to people that are disgruntled and you can calm the situation down I had to chuckle because the answer is how do you take I’ve been I’ve been helping clients for 20 plus years.

So how do you truncate that down and really bring it down in our Yeah, to one quick course you can. It takes it that there are a lot of different areas and a lot of different lessons that I learned over the years and courses that I took over the years.

So when you look at someone like our co-founder, Dr. Bruce Baird, and all of the CEE that he has taken heck, all of the CEE that you’ve taken chat over the years, you can’t just, you know, skim to the front of the line and just choose it but you guys, I think both of you were very strategic in how you chose to learn and is there anything right now that you you know, have that helps give a path to that I want to be this doctor. Here’s kind of the order that I should be taking it in and I have heard doctors say, this year, I choose to focus on two topics.

Dr. Chad Johnson
Yep. So when I first graduated, my goal was to not worry about ortho until I was 10 years out of school. It’s the weirdest thing but I was just like, I’m not the first 10 years. I’m not going to worry about ortho, and I’m just going to take that off the plate. I’m not even going to put it on the back burner. I just don’t. I don’t care to learn that I have great specialists around here. At the time, Invisalign was a thing, but it just wasn’t popular. It wasn’t super popular just yet. Then,

but I do. Did you feel like that took the pressure off? Yes. Right. That’s why I did

Dr. Chad Johnson
that. Yeah, instead of I need to know everything. It’s just like wait a second. I can refer right up the street. Everyone loves you know, the central aisle orthodontics, I’ll just send them to them and everyone will be happy because how many hours will it take for me to get competent at that? And do I want to mess a case up and do I want to you know, like, is it worth it? So that was the first thing we’re taking off the plate. Three weeks after graduation?

Was it three? No, three weeks after opening my office mid-summer. So it was August of 2005 that I went to the AEGD annual Scientific Session I think is what the AEGD calls their annual conference in DC And it was funny, you know, as a 25-year-old, you know, going to classes and people like, how long have you been out of school? Two months, you know?

And they’ve been out for a while.

Dr. Chad Johnson
Oh, yeah but it was amazing. Because of the camaraderie in there, they will be like, That is so cool, that you’re that fresh out of school, and you’re coming to see, I’m super proud of you for doing that. Because, you know, so many people are like, Man, I know it all and stuff like that and you are here to learn and you’re just, you know, like, that is so cool and my comeback was well, right? The way I look at it right now, my taking a week off of work from my office being closed isn’t going to cost me as much as it will a year from now because I’m hardly seeing any patients already.

So really, the opportunity cost is low. So now’s a, almost like bargain time for me to do it. So I worked that the first four days of that conference, two days, we’re on oral surgery, Dr. Kirner taught that and he still teaches that was an amazing course and I bet it’s even better now, you know because 20 years of perfection on it and but that it was on an impacted third molars and oral surgery techniques and stuff like that. So two days of that, hands-on, and then a two-day hands-on with implants.

Jack Han and, and those that got me started then on you know, I came back and I was like, man, we weren’t taught much about dental implants in school, I really want to place implants, you know, so I called up my What do you call it insurance and said, Hey, what would it look like? And they said, Well, you need 40 hours of CPE to do implants. I thought okay, well, I have 16 down. Okay. So I looked at, you know, for a course I found Michael Sonic out of Connecticut. He’s a periodontist there and he has weakened courses that you could go and take it on.

So I thought this is amazing. I’ll go take his implant courses and I did that and so then by January of that year, six months out of being out of school, I started placing implants and so then I was more comfortable with oral surgery stuff. I wasn’t, you know, perfect at it yet but I mean, I felt like I was competent enough and I was going slow enough that I wasn’t, you know, pushing my skill level or anything, and so that went well, I was working a lot on the Oral Surgery stuff.

Now he’s taking other C’s in the meanwhile, on top of that, but then, you know, I started going, Okay, well, you know, I’ve learned this stuff. Now I want to maybe progress in perio and I want to progress in grafting I want to progress. So it was kind of actually more oral surgery but in the perio line, I even wanted to occasionally push myself in areas that I was uncomfortable with. So I would go to a pediatric course,

I would go to an endo course, even though I wasn’t doing an endo. You know, I joke around, like you said, with my patients, I actually just kind of lightheartedly say I could do your Endo, you just don’t want me to, because I haven’t done one in so many years now. Like if we were stranded in the, you know, Antarctica, like I could do it better than the average person but if, if you want it done quickly, comfortably, and concisely, it’s just like, just go to the endodontist.

He’s the dentist that specializes in root canal treatment, and he’ll rock it out in an hour and it’ll be way better than if, if I do it unless I was doing it all the time but you know that that’s I don’t do that all the time. I do this and that and I would list off the stuff that I do. That’s my forte. So

it’s like visiting a tattoo artist? No kidding. Absolutely. When I got one of my tattoos, I had a certain style in mind but I wanted the artist I loved the artist and was extremely grateful to have this artist work on me and she said to me, you know, I could do this but this is not my specialty at all like this, this style of tattoo is not my specialty.

So, so if you want that I recommend other artists and so I actually changed to her style that she was extremely proficient and really, really proud of doing and I couldn’t be happier. Like I was Yeah and so that’s really interesting.

I think people can get respect. So within healthcare, although we didn’t think we’d be talking about tattoo artists and dental care, authenticity comes around. In both cases, I would respect you if you said to me, you know, I could but you don’t want me doing this and this is why so we’ll refer out

Dr. Chad Johnson
I even love telling people to listen, I’m a candy kind of guy, you know that I’m like so I want to in one sense, but it’s you just would prefer me not to

dead. Here’s a really quick example of that. Would you like to add that Have you ever had your blood drawn by someone who does not typically draw blood? Right? That Well, you

Dr. Chad Johnson
know, yes, that you can

tell? Yes, and I have had that happen to me and they said to me He will get this done. This isn’t my I don’t normally do this but let’s do this. It was terrible. I would never do it again and I was like lesson learned. Let’s just go to a certified phlebotomist from now on. That sounds phenomenal.

Well, speaking of risk, risk, and reward to see, you know, this is a gray area for us because you wanted to do implants, that didn’t mean that you were going to be good at it but you went and you took the courses to it. What about the other side of the risk? Can you fill the chairs with people who want to be implant patients or who I’m sorry, qualified to be implant patients,

Dr. Chad Johnson
I suppose that would also have to do with your area and you know because I find that some places have a ton more implants to do and some of that also has to do with our people losing teeth, you know.

So if you’re, if you’re in an area where people really pries and clean their teeth, well, and everything like that, they you implants might not need to be a thing and you can refer those five a year out, you don’t want to just be doing five a year, you know, but if you’re able like then you hear of other clinicians that are doing 1000 a year, I don’t even do that and it’s but it’s amazing. It’s just like, man, you have 1000 opportunities per year to place an implant. It’s just like, What are they doing to their mouth, you know, but that kind of community might need to have that happening. I mean, they’re either super into hockey, or meth, or one or the

Unknown Speaker
masses. Well,

Dr. Chad Johnson
it’s true. I mean, you know, most communities are going to be more apt, to need implants just because they’ve lost. Yeah and, and, you know, they might, I’m not calling them druggies now, but they have a druggie past and they, they might be over it, and they might say, You know what, I want to get over the sins of my past and look past this, and I want to be a better person, I’m trying to make myself better, well, good for them. So no judgment on their paths, let’s fix them up. Right but some areas are going to have more of that than others. So, but keep in mind that yeah, if you have failure after failure of placing implants, and you start going, Man, how many times is like am I not going to be able to smile and wink and, and get the patient to not sue me or turn me into the board?

You know, so So that can be an issue of you know, like, Are you being mindful if you’re doing endo that you’re you’re slaying it every time that you’re finding every canal that you’re not stripping it, you know, all that stuff? So are you doing the job to the standard? And not just to the minimal standard, but are you doing it excellently to where you won’t have lawsuits? And you know, how are your PR skills to be able to handle when something is failed, even if it’s a class to composite?

This goes back to Reagan to like, about four years ago, I started doing Botox, and it’s amazing how that can help TMJ patients, but I don’t think that would be a course that you could, or that you’d necessarily want to put us first on your list, right outside right out of dental school.

Unless you have a bunch of TMJ patients that you know, you have you just open your or you just bought a practice, the guy has, you know, 4000 TMJ patients well then that all of a sudden goes to the top of your list, you know, but you have to kind of wait that out is you know, as a general dentist, is that something that you want to bother with, you know, Botox and stuff like that, but finding the right mentor to help you find the courses I’ll tell you as a mentor, though I don’t know your side of the situation. I do like mentoring people.

I feel like I can shorten the curve for people with their learning because I’ve done so much of it. I like the ADA for their CEE but it’s very generic in general and it should be because it has all specialties there.

So it’s not a knock but you’ll get kind of just a little finger bite-size portion of everything there you know that you can and if you go do a course on SDF silver diamond fluoride, that might not make you a ton of money, you know, so like spending a weekend going to a course and just learning about SDF as your primary topic isn’t going to be a lot of bang for your buck in your office coming on Monday, because what do you do start advertising? Yes, we do SDF. Probably not. I mean, prove me wrong, but probably not.

So Next up add the Academy of General Dentistry. I absolutely love it. I have my fellowship through them. I think they give quality CEE and they give enough detail about how to do it. Next up is the AACD. When I started going to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, I was blown away that it’s not as superficial as it sounds, it’s very much an international community that is into the science, of aesthetics.

So it’s not just like, well, we’re just artsy people and we like doing cosmetic cases and so we’ll just slap you know white veneers on Everyone is like, no, no, no, no, that’s not the CD, it’s worth checking out, it’s worth going to, to their annual conference. They also have online learning that you can do. The people that teach it that are also some of the people who teach it panky, Dawson, spear, kois, and everything like that. Now that starts to get into specialty work, specialty work, meaning like occlusion kind of stuff. For example, that’s your pinky Dawson, spear and kois.

I’ve done all the spear stuff online, I really love Spears education. Because it is online, I see kois going to that place and spear used to work together. So their philosophies are very similar and for better or worse, how I personally would describe it in my own opinion is that they’re very pragmatist about their occlusion philosophy and they’re not so much Dawson CR is God kind of mentality. So much as CR is great but you know, use whatever philosophy you want to get the patient into a comfortable position.

The thing that I’ve loved about kois and going to his courses, even though it’s more expensive than just signing up for a year of the online spear, which then you can do at home, like during your workouts, for example, was convenient for me. kois on the other hand, though, when you’re dedicated to going there, then the amount of stuff that you’re learning, and then that the hands-on integration is so worth it, the lunchtime discussions with the other dentists and stuff like that.

Totally worth it. Specialty work also then going on. See Doc’s Osirak doctors.com. Learning more about ceramics. I’m amazed that when I do when I started using emacs from the lab, then I thought well, why shouldn’t I just mill this out how much better I became at prepping finding my margins, and then correcting my margins and then starting off good with my margins, the next ones that I would do because I was learning when you can blow it up 30 times magnification and look at your margins and you’re the actual person drawing the margin, you’re going to be a lot better at finding your like at making your margins right the first time and Reagan I see your face going off that I’m going full nerd mode and I apologize but you know, as a mentor,

I’m just trying to go through a list and really give people you know, like an idea of stuff to do if you’re doing if you’re wanting to do Botox and dermal fillers, the ACF e American Academy of Facial Aesthetics is fantastic. They have a one has either a one or two-day course when they’re coming to a town near you, but they also have a lot of CEE online that you have to do beforehand.

I think it was like 30 hours 30 or 40 hours. I’m serious. It was way more than I anticipated and that was sucky at the time but man, when I went actually did the courses online, and then whenever I went to the live part, it was it made sense it dovetailed like all the anatomy, and the mixing of stuff and everything like that. It was like they don’t they didn’t need to waste our lifetime going over the stuff that we had already done our homework on. Next up, guards implant seminars down in Miami, he also travels to a lot of large cities, Dallas, Phoenix, LA, Boston, DC, New York, Chicago, and all that stuff like that.

A rune guard AR U N, new word last name GE AR GE worth checking out the I went and did his implant course and it’s funny, a lot of people would say, why are you going to do you know, implant an implant course after you’ve placed your implants, you know, for 10 years now at that point, and I just, you know,

I was like you the first time you go, I think you’d be really detailed about writing out you know, like, oh, okay, so then go five millimeters down, and then and you’re worried about the details. I was looking at the bigger picture. So it was kind of interesting as it was almost like a review course of sorts but then he took it to another level that if you were there the first time you wouldn’t get it. So I super recommend their stuff.

The International dental implant association is run through implant seminars, Id IA of which I have my diplomats through them and then it goes fellowship, mastership diplomat, and then he also has courses in Hawaii. I think he does a symposium in Hawaii, every February ish January, February, that’s awesome.

Then you have to have soft skills to sell it. So productive dentist Academy having the workshop that was a game changer for me to be able to have the soft skills to be able to sell to patients that you need to, you know, to do this treatment and you know, what do you think about doing this treatment, asking the right questions, you know, you know, it’s time that we should do that. I’m even just trying to think of other stuff that I’ve done.

This is like your holiday wish list to see your

Dr. Chad Johnson
options? Right? If I had a long elevator ride with someone I’d be like, Okay, here’s what you need to do. I mean, if I wanted to get back into Endo, I do Steve Buchanan’s course in Santa Barbara. Of course my aesthetic gurus, Pascoe, and Manya. You know coachmen from Brazil.

I’m also just trying to think Newton fell. I’ve brought them up before also from Brazil and some of these guys speak at the ACD. There’s got to be someone else that I’m missing, of course, from the University of Iowa, Marcus Vargas. He’s great and he’s technically International to I forget if he’s not Peruvian. Dr. Vargas, you’ll have to correct me later.

I apologize. I don’t remember which country you’re from. It wasn’t Venezuela, was it? But you know, a huge international community that we in the United States are missing out on at times because we don’t branch out but the ACD brings that, you know, in-house, they bring them in every year. So those are some courses, you know, that are important for me but you don’t you can’t do it all at once.

It sounds like you’ve won an Academy Award for the Best best dentist that plays dentist that is dentist. Because there’s a lot that goes You proved my point, you prove my point and you can’t do everything all at once you have to think about how it comes forward and coming full, full circle.

You know, all roads leading to this expertise and think of Mike Rowe and his love of apprenticeships building value. For when it comes time to sell your dental practice and think of yourself as that asset as well, the amount of knowledge that you have right now Chad, for a partner coming in an associate coming in someone who wants to be a partner as you transition is absolute, I don’t know that I could put a price on that.

I think it’s priceless. If we think about Dr. Bruce Baird, and you know, when it came time for him to drop several days needed to bring in partners the chance the opportunity to train under someone that has this level, and like you said, shorten the road. So there is no silver bullet, you can’t snap your fingers and all of a sudden become super proficient in all of the areas that you wish to be but you can sit next to someone who has done the paces learned and can help provide tricks and advice and guidance that can shorten your road, I would think to spread that

Dr. Chad Johnson
curriculum out because then your your your your one-stop shop or the patient and you can mark it that you become a lot more marketable. So when you’re looking to retire, when you’re looking to sell your practice, or you’re just looking to keep your practice, but you’re trying to grow it, you’re able to market the procedures that you want to do, and it becomes part of your brand.

So if you’re looking to really leverage your see, so that there’s more reward, and that the risks are well balanced, and well considered. What I heard you say Chad is one, establish your budget, make sure that it’s part of your system to weigh the time away from work, and what that’s going to mean to you earlier, mid to late career, figure out your focus areas, so you can’t do it all at once. map out a plan that’s going to work for you and do not feel the pressure to get it all done at once I really really can’t stress that enough. I loved the for 10 years, I’m not even going to focus on also and leaving that that pathway for you.

Dr. Chad Johnson
And interestingly, you know, when I map out my calendar year on the PDA calendar every year, so there’s a side where it says, you know, what C’s Do you want to do, and I put those on there and I normally try and you know, depending on how it’s convenient for my schedule, I’ll pick off one of those two, I’m still doing those and I’ll pick off one or two that I want to do that year and but the next year, I’ll carry over which ones I didn’t do to the following year. It’s not it’s no pressure, I’ll just move it to the next year, I’ll probably add one or two more. So there’s probably always a list of five or six that I want to do.

I think to continue the things that you said to me that were kind of mind-blowing and should be taken into account. I know savings in a savings account is not mind-blowing but investing in yourself and really keeping that as a focus is important and I think that goes without saying so budget and savings, geographic region are you willing to move as your service mix evolves with you and you may want to do more of XYZ consider your region and what’s available to you.

Because we’re in the business to transform lives and help people so there may be more people that needed to be helped in a different area and that goes into working on your soft skills as well. So adding more rewards by getting better at how we communicate with our team, with our patients with our community, and finally, with mentorship.

Dr. Chad Johnson
If you find that this resonated well with you as a listener, and you would like to ask more questions or discuss more see it, Chad at productive dentists.com I really don’t mind if you shoot me an email and you know, if you said, Hey, you mentioned Michael Sonic out of Connecticut, can you give me his contact information? Or whatever, anything along that line? I’m willing to kind of work with you because I’ve had people write me before and they’ll say, Hey, I live on the West Coast.

Do you have anyone that you’d recommend over here? I really don’t mind. I mean, so few people actually do reach out that if you’re the person that does reach out, I’d love to make a new friend. So feel free to shoot me an email Chad at productive dentist.com

another great episode. Thank you so much, Chad.

Dr. Chad Johnson
Thanks, listeners. Have a good rest of the day.

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Everyday practices podcast. Chad and I are here every week. Thanks to our community of listeners just like you and we’d love your help. It would mean the world if you can help spread the word by sharing this episode with a fellow dentist and leave us a review on iTunes or Spotify. Do you have an extraordinary story you’d like to share? Or feedback on how we can make this podcast even more awesome. Drop us an email at podcast@productivedentist.com And don’t forget to check out our other podcasts from productive dentist Academy at productivedentists.com/podcasts See you next week.

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Vida Dental Studio
Santa Fe, NM

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Millcreek Family Dental
Bountiful, UT

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Tiger Family Dental
Sedalia, MO

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Happy Tooth
Elmhurst, IL

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Advanced Dentistry by Design
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